Jiang Jiang~~
familiar? this was the weekly game session from week 6! ok ok... haa another late post... i shall not give any excuse this time. :P
anyway, it's been six week since the starting of this semester's games session! thankx for coming guys! kekekek and i have to say...the turnup was better than expected..although during week 6 and 7 it was abit low in attendence. must be the CAs.. haa
Term break is coming! Just to remind, NO EVENTS this week ok? no events ah. dun suddenly come hoh. But we will be back after the break ;) in the mean time enjoy your term break k?
New Games are coming in.. stay tune!
and we've opened our rental system too! interested? click the link below
Other than the rental of the games, we also ask of you to rent out your games!
Got board games left in your home yet find no time to play or couldn't bear to throw them away? Pass them to us, and we'll rent them out for you!! We'll charge a small adminstration fee of 30% of the revenue earned and the rest will go to you!!! Take the chance to earn some cash through renting out your games and maybe use that to buy more games!! And don't worry, the games you left with us will still be under your ownership. You can get them back whenever you want!
Any type of tabletop games will be appreciated : )
so nice hoh we all.. so many new services.. :P
and last but not least... LOOK FORWARD TO DECEMBER!!!! FF GOT CHALET~~~~ WOHOOOO~~~~ ;P
see ya next week guys,
NTU FastForward